I’m back into my regular exercise routine now after moving home, losing momentum, and losing motivation for exercise.
It’s still not as easy as it used to be to get out there and move my body to challenge it, and to keep my mind healthy.
But, it’s getting easier and the routine is being rebuilt.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because I’m assuming it happens to us all at some point - whether it’s regarding an exercise routine or some other regular habit that’s ‘slipped’...
and I want to share something I learned during this process that might be helpful to someone else - you, potentially.
this morning I was just about to enter into my regular (boring) routine with very little motivation to do so.
Then I spotted an array of logs…
all different shapes and sizes.
And then some wisdom hit me.
“Why don’t I just create a little circuit, working various different muscle groups, using these logs right here”...
I said to myself (using that internal narration that goes on all day long - you know the one?)
And that’s what I did.
40 seconds work (exercise) followed by 80 seconds recovery (rest) - 12 exercises in total.
Overall it took roughly 24 minutes.
And guess what?
It was the best session I’ve had in a long time!
It was like nature (and human - who created the logs) had provided me with an outdoor gym.
I felt motivation like I hadn’t felt in a long time…
and afterwards…
I felt a sense of achievement and energy for completing the session…
and doing something different.
what’s the message I’m trying to convey here?
If your routine…
whether that’s an exercise routine or any other routine, has slipped.
And you’re finding it difficult to get back into that routine…
for whatever reason.
Change it up.
Use what’s available to you, and around you.
Be open to trying something new and unique.
It might just rejuvenate your motivation…
and get you back into a routine you know you should be doing…
and it might be even better than it was before.
Something else came up during this experience…
about nature and symmetry.
But I’ll share that in a future post.
Until then…
stay present…
and have a pleasant and productive day.
#youhavealltheresourcesyouneedforchange #courage #strength #resilience #wisdom #selfassurance #selfbelief #selfconfidence #samueljcornell #samuelcornellcoaching