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🤯 Why Small Changes Always Win-Out Over Big Changes…

Samuel Cornell

...In Any Area Of Life.


Most people, when they want to make changes in their lives, go for big steps.


The problem with big lifestyle changes is that they’re difficult to make.


If they weren’t…


you would have made them already.


Big changes are also hard to maintain.


That’s why new year resolutions only tend to last a few weeks.


A better way to introduce new habits into your life…


is with tiny habits.


Changes so small…


that you’d feel stupid if you didn’t carry them out.


Let’s take exercise as an example.


Most people when they decide to start an exercise regimen…


go for massive changes.


They go from being sedentary…


to daily gym goer, overnight.


Then after a few weeks…


they fall off the wagon…


and find it hard to get back into the routine.




if you started a new exercise regimen by committing to just one day per week at the gym…


how easy would that be?


You could set Saturday morning as your gym morning…


just one day per week to begin with.


Just 30 minutes…


that’s all.




You have to make sure that Saturday morning doesn’t get interrupted by anything, at any point, to begin with.


Saturday morning is gym time.


That’s it…


nothing gets in the way.


You get your gym gear ready the night before.


You get to bed at a reasonable time.


You set your alarm.


You’re good to go.


Now, over time…


you just increase that one day, by another day.


Let’s say after four weeks, you add-in another day - Sunday.


You carry out the same procedure.


You spend just 30 minutes on Sunday working-out too.


Over time…


you add-in another day…


and so on…


until one day in the near future…


you’re a regular gym goer who doesn’t even have to think about all the planning and effort…


it just happens all by itself.


You can use that type of system in any area of life…


not just for an exercise regimen.


What do you need to add-in to your life?


Whatever it is…


use the above system and I have no doubt you’ll be successful.




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