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🙏 Why Gratitude Is So Important For Inner Peace & Contentment...

Samuel Cornell

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy” - Will Arnett.


Strap yourself in - this is a long one (but it’ll be worth it, I promise).


I believe gratitude is vital in this day and age.


So many people suffer with all sorts of problems, yet they literally have the world at their fingertips…


So why all the suffering?


In my opinion, it’s a lack of gratitude.


And it’s not totally your fault.


We're continually bombarded with marketing and ‘suggestions’ as to what we should be doing, what we should be thinking and how we should be acting.


After a while we just end up confused.


Too many options…


Too many ideas coming from external sources…


Too much information coming our way.


It ends up with a loss of identity…


A confusion around who we really are at our core.


And that leads to suffering.


We end up depressed, anxious and potentially addicted to some behaviour that makes us feel better in the moment and allows us to escape the confusion and madness.


The only way out of that hole is to go inwards and work on what’s important to you…


What are your core beliefs?


Who are you at your core?


Your ‘true-self’?


I’ve drifted slightly away from gratitude here but that’s ok, it’s all relevant.


Back to gratitude…


When you start to look for things to be grateful for in your life - the small things…


Your perception of life changes.


You start to forget about all the tiny ‘problems’ (that are probably currently big ‘problems’)...


And you start to see the bigger picture.


Eventually, you progress even further and you just become grateful (as a whole)...


Not grateful for individual things in your life…


Just grateful.


Grateful for life as a whole.


(That’s something you probably have never thought about before reading this, and it may not even sink in at the moment if you’re currently suffering in some way.)


When you get to that point though…


There is no more suffering.




The reason I say that is because I noticed this change in myself.


Initially I started out every morning thinking about three things I was grateful for over the past twenty four hours.


Tiny things like being grateful for having a home to live in, having food in the fridge and cupboard, and having clothes and shoes to wear (seems silly right?).


But we tend to forget about those little things…


And the more we forget, the less grateful and more bitter we become…


And then we start to suffer - always wanting more and more and always chasing something - “when I get here or there or this, things will be great!” (simply not the case - AT ALL!)


Back to my own experience…


Then I noticed I was finding it harder and harder to be grateful for the individual things in my life…


And I thought to myself “what’s going on here? - I’m still grateful, I can feel it, but I can’t pinpoint what I’m grateful for”.


And then it struck me - I was just grateful.


Grateful for being alive…


Grateful for the senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste (those things that allow me to experience ‘physical life’ - yes, those things you never even think twice about).


Grateful for life as a whole.


And that’s when life really changes for you…


You forget about the small (completely insignificant) ‘stuff’ and focus on the bigger picture.


Life becomes joyful and you gain a feeling of inner-peace and contentment that’s hard to break.




What have you got to be grateful for today?


And every day from this point forward - think about what you’re actually grateful for that day…


Eventually you’ll get to a point where you’re just ‘grateful’, and ‘suffering’ will be a thing of the past!

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