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⏰ How A Morning ‘Power Routine’ Will Change Your Life…

Samuel Cornell

Do you have a morning routine in place?


If you don’t…


you’re not starting off your day the best way you could.


WHEN you decide to implement a morning ‘Power Routine’...


I guarantee your life will change for the better.


Let me give you an example.


Let’s say you DON’T have a Power Routine in place right now.


You go to bed late because you binged watched a new series on Netflix.


Your alarm goes off in the morning…


you hit the snooze button…


one, two, maybe five times.


Finally you sit up.


You check your emails or social - while still in bed.


You then get up…


take a shower…


brush your teeth…


have a shave if you’re a guy…


head downstairs…


have a cup of tea or coffee - if you have time.


Then you’re out the door - in a rush as usual…


no time for breakfast at home so you pick something up on the way - which of course is not going to be very healthy.


Or if you work from home…


you’re into whatever you’ve got to do.


Now let’s look at someone with a Power Routine in place.


You go to bed at a set time of 10pm when your reminder let’s you know it’s time for bed.


Your alarm goes off in the morning…


you get up straight away…


you hit the shower…


brush your teeth…


have a shave if you’re a guy…


head downstairs…


make a cup of tea or coffee…


sit quietly for 15 mins just observing your thoughts…


or listen to some music.


Once your tea or coffee is finished…


you meditate for 10 minutes.


You brew another tea or coffee…


then read or listen to something inspirational or educational for 15 minutes.


You have a bite to eat - something that you pre-planned the night before…


then you’re out the door.


Or if you work from home…


you’re into whatever you’ve got to do.


If you CHOOSE option ‘a’...


your day is going to be just like you started it…


rushed and stressed.


CHOOSE option ‘b’...


and your day will go as smoothly and organised as you started it.


Of course it’s never easy implementing something like this…


but after a few weeks of consistent daily practice…


it becomes easy…


it becomes part of you.


Especially when you start to see the positive benefits it has on your life.




you have a CHOICE whether you are an ‘a’ person or ‘b’ person.


Nobody else runs your life but you.


Who are you going to be?


PS: If you want help when implementing option b into your life…


Get in touch.


You’re much more likely to succeed when you’re accountable to someone else…


especially when you’ve got ‘skin in the game’ i.e money on the line.




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