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💡 Filling The Void Addiction Leaves Behind...

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

After you’ve removed a negative, detrimental habit from your life…


You need to fill that ‘void’ with something else…


Something positive.


You need to find a purpose and a passion.


If you don’t do this…


You will find that it will be much easier, and you will have much more of a reason to fall back into old ways of living and being.


When you find a purpose, a passion, it gives you something to focus on…


It helps you stay sober…


And it makes sobriety much easier and more joyful.


The truth is…


When you remove an addiction or negative habit from your life…


It does leave a void.


It’s something you’ve relied on for, most likely, many many years…


That habit becomes a part of you…


It becomes a part of your being.


And removing it feels like you’ve lost something.


Of course, you haven’t really ‘lost’ anything…


You’ve actually gained a lot.


But it feels like a loss.


And that ‘loss’, needs to be replaced.


Perhaps you’ve had a dream for many years that’s never been fulfilled because your addiction wouldn’t let you achieve it - one step forward, two steps back.


If that’s the case…


Focus on that dream.


Perhaps you’ve never really had a dream…


Addiction to alcohol and/or substances gives you a ‘foggy brain’, and destroys your motivation.


If that’s the case…


Search for something you really enjoy doing, or you think you would enjoy doing, and turn it into a career.


On top of that purpose and passion…


You need to fill your life with positive, meaningful habits…


Whatever makes you feel good.


For me, it’s meditation, exercise, growth (education) and business.


For you…


It’s whatever gives you that ‘feel good’ feeling.


Try out new things.


If you find you don’t like something…


Go onto the next thing.




There’s no such thing as failure, only feedback.


You either ‘win’, or you learn.


This is something we work on in my 12 month ‘Sobriety Mastery Mentorship Program’...


Liberating you from addiction and unhealthy habits of course, being number one.


But also looking at every other aspect of your life and improving it in some way.


And of course…


Finding your passion and purpose in life which is going to drive you forward, towards pleasure, and away from pain.


If you’re fed up with the daily ‘grind’ of addiction…


Wearing you down, day after day after day…


Get in touch.

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