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😔 Feeling Low? Here's 3 Ways To Boost Those Feel Good Chemicals...

Samuel Cornell

When you’re feeling low…

it can be difficult to find the motivation to do stuff.


it’s imperative that you do something to get you out of that low mood.

Of course…

it’s ok feel low.

There’s nothing wrong with it at all.

We all go through periods of low mood now and then…

and that’s ok.

It’s important to realise that.

There’s nothing wrong with sitting in that low mood for a while…

while you analyse what’s going on…

and why you may be feeling like you’re feeling.


you can’t sit in it forever.

It’s unproductive…

and it’ll start to affect the people around you too.


with that in mind…

here’s 3 ways to boost those feel good chemicals to get you out of that ‘funk’ you’re in right now:

  1. Exercise:

We all know it’s good for us physically, but do you know that it’s also extremely good for your mind too.

You don’t have to spend an hour a day in a boring old gym either.

Just get outdoors and run, do some bodyweight exercises, yoga, whatever.

Commit to just 15 minutes each day…

and you’ll start to feel the effects physically, and mentally.

  1. Meditation:

I know, I know…

I talk about it all the time.


even just 7 minutes of daily meditation practice each morning will prime your mind for a more positive outlook.

It’s probably even scientifically proven these days…

but better than science…

is your own proof.

Commit to just 7 minutes every morning and you’ll start to feel the difference.

  1. Gratitude:

Are you grateful for what you have in your life right now?

If not, why not?

We all have things that we CAN be grateful for…

most of us just CHOOSE not to be grateful for those things.


if you don’t stop for a moment each day and give thanks (in your own mind) for the things you have right now…

when will you?

It’ll never happen.

You’ll keep chasing the next thing…

and the next…

and the next.

It’s a never ending journey of chasing things you think will make you happy…

only to find out when you achieve that thing…

that it doesn’t contain happiness.


pause for a moment today…

and every day thereafter…

and seek things to be grateful for.

It could be just one thing…

or it can be many.

It doesn’t matter.

In time you’ll find that you’re just grateful to be alive…

and gratitude becomes just a part of you.

So there you have it…

3 simple things you can implement today that’ll boost those feel good chemicals and get you out of that funk you’re in.




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