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Are You Allowing Your Outer World To Affect Your Inner World?

Samuel Cornell

Allowing your external world to affect the way you feel inside, seems to be very common.

Yet, it’s not a great way to live.

Allowing your external circumstances to affect the way you feel…

can affect your health…

and your relationships.

Very rarely is the outer world we are experiencing…

just the way we would like it.

It’s more common that it’s not going to be as we would like it to be.


if you allow the outer world to control the way you feel…

you're gonna live a sad, stressful, and very reactive life.

On top of that…

the way you feel is going to affect the way you react to events and the people around you.

If you’re constantly in a state of stress because you’re allowing your external world to control you…

your relationships are going to suffer.

You’re going to be ‘snappy’...

you’re going to ‘blow-up’ occasionally or frequently…

and people are going to react to that too.


how do you train yourself to become non-reactive to your outer world?


Awareness of what’s going on around you and how it might be, or is, affecting you.

Awareness is the precursor to change.

Of course…

just because you’re aware of something…

doesn't mean you’re going to make any changes.

Of course not.


it’s the beginning of change.

It precedes change.

Action of course is where change actually begins…

and the best way I have found to become less reactive?


It helps you become aware of thoughts, stimuli and sensations…

without reacting to those things.


that does take practice.

Daily, consistent practice.

And of course…

it doesn’t happen overnight.

It’ll take months of practice before you start to recognise changes.

The important thing to know is that you will become less reactive to your surroundings…

if you practice daily…

and consistently.


in the long run…

you’ll be grateful you put in that time and effort…

because it’ll be hugely beneficial to your life in general…

and the quality of your relationships.




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